Happy Ending With(out) Standards

I understand that these techniques are necessary to provide NYU’s Navigator 4 users with a stylish page, but it’s common knowledge in the web design world that beautiful version 4 browser rendering and standards do not go hand-in-hand, making this a terrible candidate for a meaningful standards-based overhaul. Media Farm may be able to create standards-based web sites, but this inaccessible, invalid and spineless pile of markup is not one of them, nor is it deserving of mention on the otherwise insightful DevEdge site. I see Media Farm’s contribution as mostly self-promoting, throwing around “standards” as a buzzword. Would it then surprise you if Media Farm’s own front page were inaccessible (where are the section links, the tag lines, the company’s name)?

What might an accessible, standards-based site look like in Lynx or rate in accessibility using Bobby?

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