San Francisco, do you want to be Manhattan?

Another day, another article on S.F.’s crazy real estate market. Except it’s perfectly rational behavior: The secret is out that S.F. is an awesome place to live with plenty of very high-paying jobs, but also land is scarce and there are lots of development restrictions.

If no policies change, prices—both housing and general commodities—will continue to go up until S.F. is basically another Manhattan; if you want to live there you either must be in the upper class or able to live in a shoebox. The good news is that California is wonderful and people can live happily outside S.F. The city would just need to beef up its transportation infrastructure for an enormous commuting class, and the Bay Area will suffer the environmental implications of that.

If, however, you think there’s value in having residents from a wider range of incomes, you have to be willing to build a ton of new, and very dense, housing, including bulldozing some old areas—not every inch of the city can be treated as a historic artifact. Unfortunately plenty of lefties think that anything that’s good for rich developers must be bad for everyone else, and it just ain’t so. I highly recommend reading Matt Yglesias’s bite-sized ebook The Rent Is Too Damn High, which makes very convincing arguments that loosening development restrictions is a great idea for everyone. Lots of people want to live in S.F., and we should let them. Density is great for the economy and for decreasing the environmental impact of cars and commutes.

Renters are already living very densely packed in “single family” homes, so it’s pretty clear there would be plenty of demand for new apartments in a variety of sizes. The natural opposition to this is going to be existing owners that benefit from rising prices, but certainly a motivated majority (renters) could successfully push for expanded development. But until they realize it’s in their interest, they’ll keep complaining about a variety of things that don’t matter while being slowly forced out of the city.

Gainesville has been increasing the density of housing around the university and it seems to be pretty great to me. Until a few years ago it seemed inevitable that there would be ever increasing sprawl and student traffic, but now a lot more students can live in walking distance.

Unpacking the Access Control Systems in Drupal and Elgg

Elgg’s access control system, which determines what content a user can view, is somewhat limited and very opinionated, with several use cases—access control lists, friends—baked into the core system. In hopes of making this cleaner and more powerful, I’ve been studying Drupal’s access system. (Caveat: My knowledge in this area of Drupal comes mainly from reading code, schema, docs, and two great overviews by Mike Potter and Larry Garfield, so please chime in if I run off the rails.) 


Drupal’s system also influences update and delete permissions, but here I’m only interested in the “view” permission. Also, although Drupal has hook_node_access()—a procedural calculation of permissions for a node (like an Elgg entity) already in memory—I’m focusing on the systems that craft SQL conditions to fetch only nodes visible to the user. This is critical to get right in the SQL, because if your access control relies on code, you can never predict the number of queries required to generate a list for browsing. In this area, Drupal’s realms/grants API (hook_node_grants()is extremely powerful.

Realms and Grants in a Nutshell

At a particular time, a user exists in zero or more “realms”; more or less arbitrary labels which may be based on user attributes, roles, associations, the current system state, time…anything. Each realm has been granted (via DB rows) the permission to view individual nodes. So to query, we build up a user’s list of realms, this is baked into the query, and the DB returns nodes matching at least one realm.

E.g., at 2:30 PM today, an anonymous visitor might be in the realms (public, time_afternoon, season_winter*), whereas Mary, who logged in, might exist in the realms (public, logged_in, user_123, friendedby_345, role_developer, team_A, is_over_30, time_afternoon, season_winter). So Mary will likely see more nodes because her queries provide more opportunity to match grant rows. *Note these realms are made up examples.

Clearly this is very expressive, but Drupal (maybe for better) doesn’t provide many features out-of-the-box, so (maybe for worse) doesn’t build in many realms; the API is mostly a framework for implementing an access control system on top of added features. Contrib modules appear up to the task of providing realms based on all kinds of things (groups, taxonomies, associations with particular nodes), but it’s hard to collaboratively build an access control system, so these modules apparently don’t work well with each other and non-access modules must be careful to tap into the appropriate systems to keep nodes protected.

(Implementation oddities: The grants are done in the node_access table, which probably should’ve been called “node_grants”, especially because this table is only somewhat related to the hook called “node_access“. Less seriously—depending on your system size—each realm name (VARCHAR) is duplicated for every node/realm combination, so there’s some opportunity for normalization.)


If you squint, Elgg’s system is a bit similar. Each entity has an “access level” (a realm), with values like “public”, “logged in”, “private”, “friends”, or values representing access control lists (a group or a subset of your friends like a Google+ circle).

That an entity can have only one realm is of course the biggest (and most painful) difference, but also the implementation is significantly complicated by some realms needing to map to different tables. E.g. Elgg has to ensure “friends” maps to rows in an entities relationship table based upon the owner of the entity, while also mapping to the ACL table.

I imagine a lot of these differences come from Drupal being old as time with a lot bigger API reboots, and because Elgg’s access system was targeted to meet the needs of features like friends and user groups, which were built-in from the beginning. It’s hard to predict which schema results in faster queries, and will depend on the use case, but Drupal queries I would guess are easier to generate and safer to alter.


I think in the long run Elgg would be wise to adopt a realms/grants schema, though I would probably suggest normalizing with a separate “realms” table to hold the name and other useful bits. Elgg group ACLs and friend collections would map directly into realms, but friend relationships would need to be duplicated into realms just like groups have an ACL distinct from the membership relationship. Really I think a grants table could completely replace Elgg’s “entity_relationships” table, since both tables just map one entity to others with a name.

As for Drupal, I think the docs could more clearly describe realms and grants (unless I’ve totally got this wrong). I’m less sure of the quality of the API that populates/maintains the tables; it looks like the hooks are pretty low-level ways of asking “would you like to dump some rows into node_access?” and it’s not clear how much of the table must be rebuilt or how often this happens.

GitX for Cleaner Commits

A great way to make your pull requests easier to review is to reduce each commit to a particular purpose/functional change. In practice this often means not combining multiple feature additions in a single commit, or not including whitespace changes in a commit that makes some code change.

The command-line git add is just not great for anything but very trivial changes, so I use GitX (the active fork) when I’m on OSX.

Getting to the UI is a quick gitx in terminal and command+2 to switch to the Stage view. Here you can move changes in/out of staging via drag/drop files or by clicking on individual lines in diff views. This lets you run wild and loose during development then, with a scalpel, carefully craft your changes into a logical set of cleaner commits. E.g. if you’ve altering code, unstage all your unrelated whitespace changes and put them in the last commit, or just revert them or git stash to move them to another branch.

Is there a web app exception to the target _blank UX rules?

Experts can give you list of reasons why including target=”_blank” on links is bad for UX/accessibility and they’re mostly all right, but they tend to ignore the 5B pound gorilla in the room: Social media sites + Gmail all open external links in new windows and users (including saavy users who understand middle-click etc.) expect them to, and a huge part of UX is doing what the user expects.

My hypothesis is that users see some sites as applications (especially those that have popular app versions) that they would not generally close just to read a story. This change is also surely influenced by the fact that there is no instant way to context click on touch devices as there is with a mouse.

My point is we need to study this phenomenon with real users, who are rapidly moving to touch devices, and not let our preferences and value judgments, formed over years of desktop PC browsing, take over.

We must be willing to admit that in some scenarios the game has changed and we no longer know what is “best”. And this could be a case where what is best for UX is not best for accessibility or for promoting the understanding of browser technology. It would not be the first time.

Analyze my dreams

Kristen Schall plays an adorable tourist in a film shot in soft-focus Europe in the early 1900s. In a stunning/terrifying scene she rides a rickety ski lift contraption hundreds of feet up a mountain, with the steep path twisting and turning to follow a busy street that wraps up the mountainside.

Later: I’m in an abandoned storage unit and find an amazing 80’s drum machine made by a kitchen appliance manufacturer. It’s all black and grey plastic, has tons of knobs, most of the labels are worn off, and I need to get my hands on batteries and a cassette 4-track ASAP.

Guitar tunings: Am9 and D6add9

I like to make small alterations to standard tuning that allow smaller intervals in the lower register.

Am9 (detune the D to C)

Some chords (note the 3rd intervals between the A and C strings):

Cm7 x-3-3-3-4-3
C x-3-4-5-5-x
Cm9 x-3-3-3-3-3
D6/9 x-5-6-7-0-0
A 5-4-4-6-x-x (or just 5-x-4-6-x-x)
A7 5-7-7-6-5-5 (standard E bar shape!)
Emaj9 0-9-8-8-0-0 (nice 2nd interval between the F# and G#)

D6add9 (detune the G to F#)

This gives you an open major 3rd interval and an easy D6add9 in the upper 5 strings. Some chords:

D6 x-0-0-0-0-2
G6add9 3-x-0-3-0-0
Aadd9 x-0-9-7-10-0
A6add9 5-4-4-0-0-0
A/C# 9-7-7-7-10-x
A13 x-0-5-5-7-0
Em x-7-5-5-5-x
Eadd9 x-7-6-5-7-x
D x-0-0-0-3-5  OR x-0-0-0-7-x
Gmaj9 x-5-5-5-7-5