I’m a long-time Opera fan and flagwaver, but the pain of bugs in 9.5 beta finally forced me to switch to Firefox last week. I’ve been using 9.5 beta1 since the end of October. When do we get a new one? I see the weekly builds, but they’re all alphas (no thanks). The biggest problems I’ve had were with the rich text editor and Flash (which everyone incorrectly assumes to be a cross-browser development panacea), but, as a webdev, I’m now spoiled having instant access to Firebug.
Firefox now has closed tab access (though I miss ctrl-z) and session restore, but within a few minutes I had mouse gestures and wand back. This is petty, but a big reason I loved Opera is that it let me put the address bar, tabs and everything at the bottom. I haven’t found an easy way to do that in FF. FF is also noticeably slower in a lot of actions, but having everything actually work (including Google Docs) is really a breathe of fresh air.
I’ll continue to test Opera and give each beta/full release a whirl, but winning me back will require these to work:
- Rich text (“WYSIWYG”) editing in WordPress
- Switching songs in the MySpace music player
- Mvelopes
- NPR’s new music player