Some feats simply must be documented. For example: What our dog will try to eat (preserved in public tada list form).
Didn’t see it coming
My favorite show is canned. Fox will never grow another Simpsons-sized success with this kind of impatience. Maybe there’s hope on HBO/Comedy Central?
Finally, some useful products from SkyMall.
72 percent!?
I have to admit, I take a good amount of responsibility for this growing epidemic.
X-treme News!
Dana is up in arms about UF and Satchel’s recent move from Coke to Pepsi.
UF employees will now certainly never have a chance at enjoying the only palatable diet soft drink. The one that has “gone too far”. There is a bright side for those addicted to diet sodas, however, in that diet Pepsi at least palatable. Diet Coke is a swill they didn’t have the decency to test on prisoners.
Quite an accomplishment
Another year…
…Another French Horns show. This friday at Common Grounds, w/ Lyndon & The Boy and The Knife. We’ll play a couple new songs and supposedly there’ll be Adult Swim viewings and give-a-ways… However, there won’t be a foosball table made out of a Yugo.
My girlfriend writes,
Awesome! We’ve been on lockdown this afternoon because of some nut outside with a gun… we’re apparently safe now, but who knows…
A Warning
This came in a package at work a while back. Thankfully no one was injured by the apparently random contents. For our work’s white elephant party I added a stick of gum and a paper clip and repackaged it as a “MacGyver Tool Kit”, complete with infringing artwork.
I love this photo from the Washington Post story on a concept that I can’t believe wasn’t stolen from an ’80s breakdancing movie: the Rap-a-Gram: "Carolyn? I’m gonna deliver a Rap-A-Gram for you," … "According to Mr. R’s rap, their date: ‘Was real, wit’ no pretending / Y’all met about a week and a half ago at Happy Endings / Then after that, a night he won’t forget / When y’all went to his house and watched The Bachelorette.’ "