Detect a blocked pop-up window

Since reliable info doesn’t seem to be out there, this Javascript detects if a pop-up window was blocked at least by IE6/XPsp2’s built-in blocker, FF or Opera 8.

var popWin; // global for easy reference later
function pop(url, name, features, replace) {
    popWin = open(url, name, features, replace);
    if (popWin == null) { // nice blocking browsers return null
        alert('window blocked, redirect or whatever');
    } else {
        setTimeout(function() {
            if (typeof popWin.parent == 'undefined') { // opera
                alert('window blocked, redirect or whatever');
        }, 200);

How about Safari?

Bookmarklet manager bookmarklet?

In the redundancy file. Someone needs to create a bookmarklet that loads into the current page an interface for executing pre-saved bookmarklets. I’ve already seen several examples of this with pre-defined sets of bookmarklets (notably Favelet Suite) but why limit the user to one set? I’m already keeping my regular bookmarks and RSS subscriptions online, why not bookmarklets as well? This might be a good side project for the developers since (I think) that site can’t really handle javascript: URLs. Just a thought.