Using jQuery Before It’s Loaded

It’s better to include scripts like jQuery at the end of the BODY, but this makes its methods inaccessible earlier in the page (e.g. inside a WordPress post). What you can do is use a script like the one below to queue DOMReady functions before jQuery loads.

(function (w) {
    if (w.$) // jQuery already loaded, we don't need this script
    var _funcs = [];
    w.$ = function (f) { // add functions to a queue
    w.defer$ = function () { // move the queue to jQuery's DOMReady
        while (f = _funcs.shift())



  1. Link to the script in the HEAD or at least before your typical page content area
  2. Link to jQuery at the end of BODY
  3. Below jQuery, include: <script>defer$()</script>

Now in the BODY you can use $(function(){ ... }); to queue up a function as if jQuery were already loaded. And, thanks to the fact that Javascript identifiers are referenced at run-time, you can call any other jQuery functions inside your queued function.

With some modifications you can use this pattern for any library with a similar DOMReady implementation.

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